您所在的位置:首页  >>  鉴定预约  >>  指纹捺印 / Fingerprinting




    We provide fingerprinting service performed by professional examiners, and the results are recognized by relevant departments.

* 联系人:
* Linkman:
* 手机号码:
* Mobile Phone Number:
* 捺印人姓名:
* Name of Applicant:
* 个人身份证件号:
* ID Type and Number:
* e-mail:  
* 捺印原因及格式特殊要求说明:
* The Reason and Format of Fingerprinting:
* 入境时间?
* When did the applicant enter the Chinese mainland?
* 从何地来沪?
* Which city did the applicant live in before come to Shanghai?
* 预约时间范围(至少提前1个工作日):
* Appointment Time(1 workdays in advance):


  提交 / Submit  




    3、捺印卡:相关国家对提取十指指印的格式有特殊要求的,应提供格式要求说明或提供规定的表格式样(本院可提供FBI FD-258和FD-1164打印版的指纹捺印卡,请提前确认使用哪一种)。



Please bring the following items when you come:

    1. Passport, ID card or other identification documents.

    2. 1 two-inch full-faced color photos recently taken.

    3. Fingerprinting card: We provides FBI FD 258 and FD 1164 fingerprint cards, please confirm the card in advance. If there are some special requirements, please provide the pattern or format.

Fee: ¥1500/per person.

Note: Depending on individual condition, fingerprinting takes 30 minutes to 2 hours. In order to guarantee the quality, please arrive before 10:00am or 3:00pm.

友情链接 司法部 科学技术部 公安部 最高人民法院 国家标准化管理委员会 最高人民检察院 上海市司法局 上海市科学技术委员会
司法鉴定科学研究院 版权所有
邮编:200063  电话:52361148